Main Menu


 Interlinear Texts... Select which interlinear lines to load.
 Comments/Notes...Add your own Comments/Notes file.
  Translation or Notesexport a range of translation verses or notes
 Interlinear as .PNG image 
 Concordant View as .PNG image 
  Floating chapter/verse box at
passage selection
  Synchronize second ISA  


 [OT book list] Select OT Passage


 [NT book list] Select NT Passage


 [bookmark list]Select Bookmark Passage




 [optional variants] Select variants of original text
 [sublinear list] Set visibility of loaded sublinears


  "Standard" [Std]Same as "Std" speed button (or space bar if "Std" is selected)
  "Translations" [Trn]Same as "Trn" speed button (or space bar if "Trn" is selected)
  "Interlinear" [Int]Same as "Int" speed button (or space bar if "Int" is selected)
  "Concordant View" [CV]Same as "CV" speed button (or space bar if "CV" is selected)
  "Search Results" [SR]Same as "SR" speed button (or space bar if "SR" is selected)
  Save changes under selected layout [S]Same as "S" speed button
  Reset selected layout to default [R]Same as "R" speed button
 If a layout mode is selected/checked and the layout is modified without saving (for instance when the Search Results panel shows up), the space bar will reset it. The same happens if you press again on the selected layout mode.
  Zoom In Ctrl +Zoom In (also while pressing Ctrl key and '+' key and mouse above Interlinear)
  Zoom Out Ctrl -Zoom Out (also while pressing Ctrl key and '-' key and mouse above Interlinear)
  DefaultNo Zoom.
 Uncial Koine font 
 Modern Greek font (with end Sigma) 
 Right to Left used with Hebrew
 Next Verse New Line 
 Center words Center words in each wordcell
 Text Options 
  Show text commentssuch as: original chapter verse, and some paragraph signs with WLC
  Show variant signsvertical blue lines for variant separation.
  Show background color

light gray = not edited cell can be blanked with Show non edited fields off.
WHNA: red=where the UBS editorial committee had great difficulty in deciding which variant to place in the text. red words (WH_NA)
WHNA: blue=text between [[ ]]

  Show hook signssigns like: [ ], [[ ]], < >, : , -
  Show non edited fieldsthe WH part of the WHNA is not edited the value you see in that cell is the rendering which is most used on other places where the same word is.
  Show complete fieldswhen off fields longer than (300 points * zoom) are truncated.
 If Same Rendering Blank Up or Down (works only with CGTS and CGES_id)
 Search taghow to show the searched words:
  Red Line 
  Bold Font 
  Yellow background 
 Colorssetup colors of several items and backgrounds.
 Themejust try it.


 MemoMemo for copying text after double clicking on Translations or Notes.
 StrongNotesNotes linked to strong numbers
 Contentsshows this help file
 Database Infoshows database info in this help file
 Assistantthe assistant shows all the possible mouse or keyboard buttons, dependent on mouse position and program mode/window.
 ISA updates - 
 Aboutsplash screen which shows loaded texts and copyrights