Main Window

Fig. 1 Main menu

Main Menu overview.

Main Buttons

   Back (every 2 seconds a changed ISA text position is logged - with back and forward you can browse it)
   Save Bookmark (only the 10 last added will be saved)
   Search - searches interlinear or translation.
 "Standard" Layout
 "Translations" Layout
 "Interlinear" Layout
 "Concordant View" Layout
   "Search Results" Layout
   Save changes under selected layout
   Reset selected layout to default

Fig. 2 Interlinear panel


Interlinear window buttons

Add translation
Remove translation

Shows the following menu
Fig. 3 Menu interlinear mode

Because the height of the interlinear window moves along with the interlinear lines count automatically, you have to choose how you want to show the interlinear. With the translation placed on top you can choose between 1 to 3 interlinear lines and if you choose "Full interlinear+ Translation in right margin" you can drag the height of the interlinear window to any height you want (by dragging the bottom of the interlinear or top Concordant View panel).

Resizing interlinear translation column

In the images below you can see were you can begin to drag for resizing the translation column. It is indicated with two small gray vertical lines. While moving the mouse cursor to this horizontal place, the mouse cursor changes to a horizontal split cursor like:
This Translation column resizing is available when in "Full interlinear+Translation in right margin" mode for the interinear and also with the Search Results when at least one translation is added.

Fig. 4 Interlinear panel

Fig. 5 Search Resuls panel 


Resizing Translations window

By dragging the vertical line as in the image below, the mouse cursor changes to this: the translations window can be resized.

Fig. 6 Interlinear + Translations panel 

Double- (left) click on a translation will copy the verse in a Memo field by which it can be copied to the clipboard.

Right-click on a translation or note will pop-up a context menu with the available translations or notes. Like this:

Fig. 7 Pop-up menu translations



Interlinear actions

Right-click on any word in the interlinear will show the following menu :

Fig. 8 Pop-up menu interlinear actions

By selecting any of these items, the interlinear (action) mode will be set. This mode is used by left-clicking any word in the interlinear.

If you use the StrongNotes mode left clicking wil show up the Strong's number related Strong Notes.

When in Concordant View mode left clicking will give this All Cell View (Fig 8.)

Fig. 8 All Cell View shows the renderings of all the loaded sublinears.

In the header you see the interlinear action mode (in this case Concordant View) and the name of the selected sublinear.
When selecting for example G5549 ISA will search for G5547 and show the results in the Concordant View.

When in Search mode it copies the item to the Search Query form and you can follow this path further anyway you like.

1/2 means this word is the first (most common rendering used) of two renderings in total for this Greek word.
When you move the mouse cursor to the arrow you get a sublist window showing the all the other renderings for this Greek word. Selecting an item in this sublist window works the same as its parent window (Fig. 8) with one exception: in Search mode it searches for the selected word in combination with its Greek word and shows it directly in the Search Results window without passing through the Search Query form.

Fig. 9 SubList

The number on the right indicates how many times the Greek word is translated with this rendering.